deterrence vs accountability

Deterrence vs. Accountability

The work crew had just finished blocking off the turn lanes for the freeway entrance. It was a bit of a surprise the ramp was being closed given it was morning rush hour. Usually ramp closures happen at night. But the cones and the no turn signs didn’t deter the person directly across from me that turned onto the onramp anyway. Apparently they didn’t notice the police vehicle behind them that flipped on their lights and pulled them over part way up the ramp.

For many, the significant, visible barriers and deterrence keep people out. But there are always a few that ignore the barriers and go through anyway. When others see that the barriers can be ignored, they may follow suit. But if they see accountability for ignoring the barriers, they’ll be further deterred.

Human nature doesn’t change when people go to work. If there are unwanted behaviors in the workplace, it’s because deterrence and accountability aren’t functioning properly.

Posted in Leadership, Strategy.