how did it do that?

How did it do that?

The light was streaming through the trees in the morning hours in a way that it lit up things that would otherwise go unnoticed. This time it was a spiderweb suspended between two trees, maybe 15-20 feet above the ground. How did it get up so high and bridge the gap between two trees that were at least 20 feet apart to spin its web. I’m sure someone can explain how spiders do that, but it was pretty impressive to see.

There are things that occur every day that would otherwise seem impossible. It’s worth taking time to look around to be inspired by possibilities.

what do you see?

What do you see?

There’s an apple tree in the local park. And at this time of year, it attracts a lot of attention because the apples are ripening and dropping to the ground. Some people see the apples as something to gather or pick and eat. Some of the kids see a ball and toss it around or hit it with a stick. Other kids see the apples as a game like whack-a-mole, jumping on one after another and crushing them. The tree sees the apples as a means to spread its seeds. And if I just said Apple, you might think about the company.

In business, what people see depends on the lens they are looking through. As leaders, part of our job is to understand what people see.

did you get what you signed up for?

Did you get what you signed up for?

The Olympics has been fantastic. It’s been eight years since we last saw all the pomp and circumstance, the crowds, the proud family members cheering their athlete on.  And not all of it can be condensed down to the nightly primetime broadcast. So, I set specific events to record only to find that a different event was recorded in its place. Surfing through the various places that might have the video on demand only came up short. I signed up for something I didn’t get. And it was disappointing.

Unfortunately, not getting what you signed up for happens too often in business. And when it does, there should be an avenue for the customer/client to share what went wrong and provide an opportunity for the business to make it right. That gives the business a chance not only to deliver on the promise, but also to fix the process that led to the miss.

are you checking to see what got washed away

Are you checking to see what got washed away?

During the winter and spring, the local creek fills up with fast moving water. At points, it is so fast moving, dirt and sediment are carved out of the sides and base of the creek bed. As the water subsides, the ripples in the creek bed that the fast moving water left become visible. There’s always a change…a difference in the structure of the creek.

In business, there are times when the volume and velocity of work are so significant and fast moving, it’s hard to tell what is getting carried away. But when the rush subsides, it is important to take a look and make sure the foundation is still intact. After all, what’s left needs to support the business going forward.

Poor substitutes aren't worth it

Rules of the Road

There are some rules of the road everyone knows. Stop at a red light. Go when it turns green. Follow the speed limit (in general). But there are others that people forgot or never knew. Like you cannot turn left over two sets of double yellow lines. The rules exist to keep traffic moving safely. And when people don’t follow them, it can cause accidents or near accidents.

The same is true in business. When people take shortcuts, make abrupt changes in direction, or disrupt the flow, it can create problems. It is possible to move fast and innovate while following the rules of the road.

what's the job?

What’s the job?

A few weeks ago, I ordered a few items online to be delivered overnight. The package showed up on-time. But when I saw it, something seemed off. Then I picked it up and it felt like there was nothing inside. That’s because there wasn’t anything inside. There was a slit on the bottom of the package that I assume all the items fell through before reaching me.

Could the person delivering the item know it was empty? There’s a weight listed on the label, and clearly the package was not the weight listed. But is it their job to notice?

There’s a pattern that develops over time. Some people will notice and look a bit closer, see a problem and try to resolve it. They are your top performers. Others will follow the specific instructions and not go beyond. And they will have very different views of the job. Which person do you want working for you?

do you have the infrastructure in place for growth?

What’s hiding from your view?

It has been hot. Record breaking hot for the last four days. And my garden isn’t liking it much. The tomato plants started drooping, asking for a second watering. But, had the leaves not drooped, I would not have seen the first ripe tomato of the season hiding in the middle. It was there, I just wasn’t looking for it.

In business, there are a lot of things that are hidden from sight. And if we aren’t looking for them, we just might miss them.

Planting seeds (or cloves)

For the first time this year, I grew garlic. Basically, you put cloves in the ground in the fall. Then in the spring as they start to grow, you water and fertilize. Somehow that one clove becomes an entire bulb of garlic. It’s a bit like magic.

Planting ideas works the same way. You put them out there, give them some space and nurturing and they grow and multiply. They just take a little time.

Finding missed opportunities

Finding missed opportunities

It was a typical Saturday morning. Get up, open the windows, take a peek outside. And that’s when the typical became unusual. There was a deer eating apples from the tree. In many places, that may be a common site. But not in the suburbs. The noise made by the window as it opened caused the deer to turn around and look at me for a moment. Realizing there was no danger, he turned back to the tree and munching on apples. He found opportunity that was missed by others.

In business, people often look for opportunity where it is safe. But sometimes taking a little risk can yield significant reward. You just need to have an inkling of where opportunity may exist that yields significant reward.

times change quickly

Times can change quickly

A month ago, two coyotes roamed through a field pouncing on little critters every ten feet or so. It was easy pickings for them. Today, in that same field, two coyotes were there. This time, they stared at me rather than ignoring me to focus on pouncing. They changed their focus to other people as they appeared on the path by the field. The focus was always on people. It was a stark change from the last time I saw them when they ignored the people in the area.

Times can change quickly. And so can focus. In today’s fast paced environment, people move their attention from one thing to another rapidly. The tough thing for leaders is keeping people focused on goals and objectives. Companies that succeed are able to keep attention on things that matter to keep them moving forward.