how signs are interpreted leads to very different results

How signs are interpreted leads to very different outcome

The other day, I was exiting a parking lot through a one way exit that was marked with a big do not enter sign from the street. Just feet away to my left was the entrance, marked with a big one way sign. But that didn’t deter the person that was racing straight toward me up the exit driveway. I don’t know if they didn’t see the big signs, or saw them and ignored them because it was a faster route to where they wanted to park.

Big, obvious signs can be found all around businesses. People sometimes miss them because they aren’t paying attention. A problem that can lead to safety issues, mistakes that gum up the works, or mistakes that cause big losses for the company. On the other hand, seeing the signs and ignoring them can come about because there is a better way. The sign may no longer be relevant and it should be addressed by removing it. Or, the sign, or a rule or law, is viewed as obstructing progress and the decision about the consequences needs to be evaluated carefully.

How the signs are interpreted leads to very different outcomes.

weather fronts

Weather Fronts

We are in the middle of a series of weather adventures in the Pacific Northwest. Snow, wind, ice storms. And they are wreaking havoc on the area. For most of the weather adventures, instruments have provided the ability for people to be informed and prepared. Like any tool, it measures what is on the horizon. And the closer the weather gets, the more precise the information.

The same is true in business. There are always a number of conditions on the horizon that need to be monitored. Some things will come to pass and others won’t. The key is to keep an eye on them all, make preparations, and execute on significant opportunities or challenges as they approach.

A lesson from beavers

Beavers have been hard at work building dams. They chewed trees down and collected limbs to create a series of dams along a stream. The dams don’t only create a place for them to live. It also helps the eco system by supporting birds and fish, as well as helping reduce erosion and flooding.

There are seemingly little things that happen in companies too that support the eco system of the company. Finding and encouraging the beavers in your company can help the flow of necessary information while filtering out the stuff that doesn’t need to move forward.



A friend recently brought a cheese and fruit plate to a gathering. But there was something different about this one. The apple slices had pink flesh. I’d never seen that before, and neither had the other attendees. Apple peels come in many colors…red, pink, green, yellow, etc. But, I had assumed that the flesh was generally close to the same color in all apples because I hadn’t seen anything different before.

People make assumptions all the time based on what they’ve seen or know. And in the business world, that can be a challenge if other perspectives aren’t brought in to help with innovation and growth. Or even just running the day to day better. Because assumptions can lead to the place if not challenged.

trying new things

Trying new things

I had an epic fail. At least my dog thought so. And in this case, it is her opinion that matters. She loves her treat time and I thought it would be fun to try something new. Did I get it wrong! She either picked the new treats out of her food bowl and spit them out on the floor, or ate everything in the bowl except the new treats depending on her mood.

Moving ahead and making progress requires trying new things. But here’s the thing: it won’t always work. And knowing why the failure happened will provide valuable information to know what to do next. Knowing what not to do is just as valuable as knowing what to do.

significant movement while looking still

Movement while appearing still

The rain stayed away for a few weeks, slowing the water flowing through the feeder creeks. The main creek looked still on top even though water flowed through little stick dams. A strange contrast….significant movement while appearing still.

Projects, product development, idea development, and much more can have a significant amount of progress and forward movement while seeming like nothing is moving from the outside. That’s often why big developments seem to come out of nowhere. A lot of activity has been going on for a long time, but those on the outside only saw stillness.



She greeted me with a huge smile. It was my first time to the wildlife refuge. And as I shared that with her while walking up the sidewalk, she got up from the window and came outside with a map. She showed me all the highlights, how to get the most out of the visit and even some tips on binoculars. Then she shared why she loved it so much. The volunteering, the community, the people, learning about the birds. All of it.

When people have a passion for their job, it shows. It lifts up the entire experience for customers and employees. And because of their passion, the work product is typically much better. It’s worth considering passion when hiring.

the power of I can

The Power of I Can

Wow! How can it do that? That’s all I could think as a squirrel leaped across the driveway with a bright red apple about half the size of its body in its mouth. It was probably carrying about half its body weight. But you wouldn’t know given how easily it was leaping. And how was it able to get enough of the apple in its mouth without dropping it? It didn’t worry about all the reasons why it couldn’t or shouldn’t be able to do what it just did. It just did it.

Too often in business, we overthink or come up with all the reasons why something isn’t possible. Or shouldn’t work. Most of the time, it is just a matter of getting in the right frame of mind and making it happen.

broken promises

Broken Promises

For several years now, I’ve had Hulu Live with No Ads.  No Ads costs a bit more, but was worth it when I signed up. Lately though, everything has ads. Most recently the ads have morphed into interactive ads. 30 seconds of commercials with interaction or two minutes if I don’t. Provide data or watch more commercials.

Do what you said you were going to do is one of the basic tenets in business. In a commodity business, people will put up with broken promises to a point to have the lowest cost. For most businesses, at some point, lack of trust will diminish the ability to do business. It’s just a matter of when.