Chasing Your Tail

chasing your tailIt was a great plan. I had an hour of time blocked out for getting some marketing work done. But my new dog had other plans for me. Most of the time she is well behaved. Not today. Today, she decided to race through the place at full speed and shred her bed. Up and down I went trying to settle her down and divert her attention to something more productive. Each time I thought she was there, she started back up. My focus was in and out and I accomplished pretty much nothing in that hour. As the saying goes, I spent a lot of time doing a lot of things and accomplished nothing – chasing my tail.

It is a concept that has been the subject of many conversations lately. People talk about a lot of activity in their work, but can’t demonstrate results. Being clear and focused (and having an environment free of distractions) is crucial to achieving results. How are you creating an environment that keeps you and your people from chasing their tail?

Posted in Leadership, Strategy.