change isn't always good

Are you making business decisions based on cost or do you take into account the impact on your people?

Have you noticed all of the cranes around? It is hard not to these days. Construction is booming and buildings are being completed at a rapid pace. When the buildings are completed, businesses move in. And rents go up. So, some businesses move farther out to lower cost. And for all of the moves, the impact on the people working for the business is not normally considered.

People working in the business may have to drive farther. The business conditions may change from a vibrant business community to a non-descript business park. Or maybe the business moves into a busy downtown building from a lower key building. The changes impact the people that work there. And rarely are the working conditions considered when making the move.

When you make changes in your business, do you consider how it will impact your people? If not, why not?

Posted in Financial Management, Leadership.