the aha moment

How do you know when an idea catches?

You know that feeling when you hear a song that is about to take off. Your foot starts tapping or your fingers drum. Or maybe you dance in your chair or bob your head to the rhythm. There is something about it that makes you want to listen. It is a feeling. And people who compose music can tell you about the technical side of what makes songs catchy. But for the person listening, the technical side might not matter. They just care about how they feel listening to it.

The same is true in any part of business. Ideas catch when they make life easier for the people they touch. They feel better because it is easy and takes some of the pressure off an already busy day. And businesses that are very successful know this and make sure their ideas catch before they are released.

How do you know when your ideas catch?

are you challenging yourself to be strong?

Are you trying things that challenge you and make you stronger?

Last week, I tried a different class at the gym. And was I glad I did! My normal class wasn’t going to happen, so I needed to figure out an alternative. But I wasn’t excited by the options. Then, an instructor I liked walked by and told me she was teaching a class at the time I had open. It was a format that complemented the other classes I take. So, I tried it and was sore afterward. It was a great reminder that muscles adapt and need to be challenged with something new regularly.

The same is true in business. If you keep doing the same things, your business won’t continue to grow and get stronger. Keep doing the things that make you strong. And actively seek other things that compliment your strengths, but challenge you to get even stronger.

When was the last time you tried something new? Was it something that would challenge you, but make you stronger?

What message are you trying to communicate?

The postcard arrived in the mail. It was bright yellow and talked about Real ID. Starting in October 2020, Washington State driver licenses will no longer be accepted by TSA at the airport as they are not compliant with federal regulations. An enhanced license is necessary to use at the airport. But it requires a trip to the DMV to provide all the necessary documentation.

I’ve heard about the upcoming change for a while, so wasn’t surprised to see the post card. I set it aside to handle in a few months when my schedule settled down. That was until I pulled out my license to show it to the store clerk and they said it was expired! Usually there is a renewal letter, but not this time. The woman at the DMV said the postcard was the renewal prompt. My takeaway from the postcard was about Real ID, not that my license was expiring.

In business, we communicate all the time. But is it the message you intend?

one size doesn't fit all

One size doesn’t always fit all

The ladies room at the gym was remodeled, giving it a necessary facelift. As happens with many remodels, input is taken from customers/members, then as construction happens, the facilities people get involved and make changes. And it happened here. To be efficient, automatic faucets were installed that have set temperatures and meter the water to minimize waste. The problem is, you can’t change the temperature. It isn’t possible to splash cold water on your face, or run cold water over your hands. The faucets are set to a temperature designed for germ reduction. The point that people may use the faucet for others reasons was missed. One size doesn’t fit all.

Businesses often try to put in one size fits all solutions. They may be systems to run the entire business, that don’t meet the needs of some areas of the business. Or processes that require a lot of work for one area of the business to make another area of the business work better. One size doesn’t fit all. That’s why it is important to understand whether changes will work for each of the impacted areas.

How do you make sure you don’t fall into the one size fits all trap?

what are bottlenecks doing to your business?


Last week, several accidents and roadwork created bottlenecks on the freeway system. As the traffic backed up, it overflowed onto nearby streets and backed up adjoining freeways.

That’s the thing about bottlenecks. They don’t just impact the place they happen. They impact the entire system. What are you doing to get rid of yours?

are the loud voices silencing the others

Are the loud voices drowning out everyone else?

It was a stunning day. Clear blue skies and not a cloud anywhere. I went outside with my dog to enjoy a few minutes of the day. My large cedar tree was a brilliant green against the backdrop of the blue sky. The birds were chirping and frogs croaking. I couldn’t see them, but their chorus indicated they were many. Then my dog let out a few loud barks and the chorus stopped.

That’s the thing about a loud voice. It can drown out or silence the group. Creating balance in your organization so all the voices can be heard is an art. How are you doing at creating the conditions for all the voices to be heard?

Fifth time is a charm

Fifth Time is a Charm

A few weeks ago, it was snowing nearly every day. And if you’ve ever driven in the snow, you know how dirty your car gets. Finally, the snow went away and the sun came out. So, I went to the car wash. As did everyone else. The line was around the corner and down the street. That length of line was likely to take 30 minutes to get through. I drove off and planned to come back later. I did come back later that day and over the next few days. It was the fifth time that the line was reasonable and I was able to get my car washed.

In business and in life, things don’t always work out the first time. Commitment and persistence is necessary to get what you want. Are you persisting?

you are not as good as you think at multi-tasking

You are not as good at multi-tasking as you thought

The studies are clear. Multi-tasking is not effective. It reduces productivity dramatically. And yet, many do it regularly and think they are good at it. But they aren’t. Booking travel on the wrong day, not hearing something important, and making errors are just a few symptoms of multi-tasking.

Want to be more effective in 2019? Try eliminating multi-tasking. Focus on the task in front of you and get it done. If you pay attention to what you missed while multi-tasking vs what you got done while not, you’ll realize the difference not multi-tasking makes.

hearing vs understanding

Hearing vs. Understanding—A Major Point of Frustration and Conflict in Business

It is a common point of contention in business. One party shares their expectations about how business is conducted. Could be an owner, a lender, a partner, or a customer. The conversation seems like it went well. But then, things don’t go well and frustration increases because it seems the person didn’t hear what was being said.

The problem isn’t that the person didn’t hear. It is usually that they don’t understand what the other meant. They don’t have the same point of reference, so they think things are going well and don’t understand why there is an issue.

The trick is to create a picture that both parties clearly understand to discuss expectations.  Don’t assume the point of reference is the same.

Are you actively working to ensure understanding in your agreements? What else can you do to make sure you are on the same page?

Check out my new book, Leading the High-Performing Company. You’ll find more tips about how to lead your organization to new heights.

take your foot off the brake

Take Your Foot Off the Brake!

About once a week, I see a driver on the freeway with their foot on the brake. They’ll drive for miles with the brake lights on. Everyone around them sees the brake lights, but they are oblivious to the drag they are creating.

It’s easy to have your foot on the brake in business. It can show up as risk aversion, being comfortable or not bringing something new to your customers. Others will notice and it will impact your business. If this is you, it is time to take your foot off the brake!

Check out my new book, Leading the High-Performing Company. You’ll find more tips about how to lead your organization to new heights.