Decide what you want and go for it

Decide what you want and go for it

My rescue dog was timid when I got her. She didn’t push the boundaries much at home. As she has become more comfortable and confident, she has pushed the boundaries. And last week she made a big jump. It was trash day and I went out to the curb make a deposit.

Apparently, I left the door ajar and my dog slipped out. She wanted to cruise the area and I wasn’t going to stop her. My wet sandals wouldn’t let me catch up with her, and running after her would just make her go faster anyway. She got some good sniffing and adventures in before a young girl came out to see her and give her pats. Adventure over.

The thing is, my dog decided what she wanted and went for it. There was no hesitation. She knew she was going to have a grand time. And she did.

How many times do you go for it in business or life? There can be so much analysis paralysis that the joy is lost and the trajectory is leveled off. Sometimes, it is best to just go for it and figure things out along the way. What is holding you back from going for it?

turn there's nothing I can do into here's how we can

There’s nothing we can do

A couple of weeks ago, I ran into a string of major service issues where you’d least expect it. Things like being in a high end hotel and being told the hotel didn’t have enough staff to service the rooms every day. In each case, when discussing resolutions, the individual said there was nothing they could do about it.

The thing is, there is always something that can be done. The company chooses not to do anything about it. The people aren’t given the tools they need, resources aren’t redeployed appropriately, and front line people aren’t given the authority to make things happen. If you are hearing your people say there is nothing they can do, it is time to figure out how you can. What can you do today to make sure your customers are getting the product or service they expect?

remember those who have fallen to give us our freedom

Memorial Day

Today is a day to celebrate those who have fallen to give us the freedoms we enjoy. Thank you to those who paid the ultimate price and their families and friends left behind. I hope you have a wonderful day with family and friends celebrating the people who fought for us to enjoy all this land has to offer.

learn these perspectives from George Washington to make better decisions

A lesson from George Washington

I recently had the opportunity to get a behind the scenes look at parts of Mount Vernon, including the rare books room. The rare books room includes books George Washington owned, along with books about him, books from the era and original letters to and from him. The collection showed not only his the breadth of readings, but also the breadth of writings to gain varying perspectives on issues of the day.

Great leaders glean insights from a wide variety of sources. They take a wide variety of perspectives, debate the issues and get to decision that is the best for the time. How are you broadening your perspectives to make the best decisions in your business?

getting the junk out of the way to get to the gems

Are you clearing the junk out of the way to get to the gems?

The crow was sitting on top of the trash can picking out pieces of junk. It kept removing the clutter until it got to the food. When it exhausted the food at the top of the trash can, it moved to the next one and repeated. The crow was incredibly efficient, stopping only when a person came too close.

It was a good lesson in business about not getting distracted by the junk that gets in our way every day. With focus, we can get past the junk and get to the gems. How are you clearing the junk and staying focused on the things that matter?

what are bottlenecks doing to your business?


Last week, several accidents and roadwork created bottlenecks on the freeway system. As the traffic backed up, it overflowed onto nearby streets and backed up adjoining freeways.

That’s the thing about bottlenecks. They don’t just impact the place they happen. They impact the entire system. What are you doing to get rid of yours?

we've always done it that way means it is time to change

If you are using this phrase, get ready to go out of business

“I’m curious why you do it that way.”

“We’ve always done it that way.”

And there it is. The phrase that predicts a decline that will eventually result in the business going out of business. The reality of business requires constant tweaking and change to delight customers and stay relevant.

If you are hearing “We’ve always done it that way” in your business, it is time to make a change. You’ll be glad you did.

Are you out of alignment?

Are you out of alignment and don’t even know it?

I bent over to pick up my gym bag and felt a sharp pain. Hobbling in to see the chiropractor, she said it wasn’t a one off event, it was the last straw. Apparently my hips were different heights and my pelvis was twisted. And somehow I didn’t know.

That’s what happens when things start slipping out of alignment. They are gradual, so you don’t notice them. And then you get to the point where things no longer work. And it feels like it came out of the blue.

Business is like that too. That’s why you need warning systems to make sure you aren’t getting out of alignment. Business reviews and a structured approach to make sure you aren’t getting complacent are critical to making sure you stay in alignment.

My book, Leading the High-Performing Company, has tools you can use to stay aligned and lead your organization to new heights.

are you taking more time than you need?

Are you taking longer than you need to?

For some time, I’ve been confused about how long it takes to get my hair done. Until recently. She explained that the salon blocks 30 minutes for something that takes 10. And it can’t be adjusted. As a result, she stalls for 20 minutes and begins working in the last 10 minutes of the time block. This approach allows her to end in line with the time blocks.

This type of approach can be found in many organizations. Meetings are scheduled for an hour, so they take an hour. People fill up the time given, rather than taking what is required. Imagine how much time you would free up in your organization if you focused on what is needed rather than the time scheduled.

Are you missing the signs?

Are you missing the signs?

The sign said accident five miles ahead, left and center lanes blocked. Surely there would be a significant backup with only one lane open. So, I turned on GPS to find the best way around the situation. The detour was fantastic. I was able to bypass the traffic and get back on the freeway. All the while I was watching the backup grow on the freeway from the side streets.

There are signs all around us about what is going on with the economy, our customers and our business. If you watch for the signs you can easily navigate varying situations. But if you don’t, you will find yourself in a mess at some point. Are you missing the signs? If so, it is time to start watching.